Siem Reap
National Road No 6, corner of Sivatha (St.), Siem Reap, Siem Reap
158 rooms, restaurant, café & bar, in-room
broadband internet access, swimming pool,
out-door jacuzi, gym, steam bath, sauna & massage
Western, Asian cuisine
St. 8, Pub Street, Passage Block, Siem Reap City, Siem Reap
The Wildest of Khmer Flavors
Restaurants BBQ Restaurants
Charles de Gaulle (St.), Mondul 3 Village, Sangkat Slor Kram, Siem Reap City, Siem Reap
School for Deaf Siem Reap, Exhibition & Massage
by the Blind People
Ka Ektom Village, Reul Commune, Pouk District, Siem Reap
Working for Children
Orphanages Aid Organizations - Local