Computers - Software
No. 126B, Oknha Khleang Moeung (St. 70), Sangkat Sras Chak, Khan Daun Penh, 12201 Phnom Penh
Distributor of IT Products: KASPERSKY, LEGRAND
No. BA7, Confederation de la Russie Blvd (110), Borey Akasjar, Phnom Penh
Customized Software / Database / Web
Development, Information & Network
Security, Network Infrastructure / Thin
Client Consultants, Accounting / POS
Solutions, IT Certification / Training
No. 601-603, Preah Monivong Blvd (93), corner of St. 310, 12303 Phnom Penh
Install games, softs, music, movie & dictionerys,
phone plastic laminate, repair phones, computers,
PSP, PS3 & NDS, unlock 3G modem, restore, update,
sell phone battery chargers & iphone headsets
No. 375Eo, Kampuchea Krom Blvd (128), 12252 Phnom Penh
• Sell all kinds of computers, laptops, printers,
scanners, copying machines & security cameras
• Whole sale printers & toner spare parts
• Refill service HP, Samsung, Epson & Canon