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Phnom Penh
Siem Reap
Preah Sihanouk
Banteay Meanchey
Kampong Cham
Kampong Speu
Kampong Thom
Kampong Chhnang
Svay Rieng
Prey Veng
Koh Kong
Tbong Khmum
Preah Vihear
Stung Treng
Oddor Meanchey
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Constitutional Council
Preah Norodom Blvd (41), White Building Chamkar Morn State Palace, 12301 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Project Management Unit 3 (PMU3)
Preah Norodom Blvd (41), corner of Preah Moha Ksat Triani Kossomak (Ave. 106), Ministry of Public Works & Transport, 4th Floor, 12202 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Sala Sangkat Orussey II
No. 48Eo, St. 164, 12255 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Sala Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey
No. 62, Hanoi (St. 1019), Rongchak Village, 12101 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Poste de la Police ADM Boeungkak II
No. 50D, St. 592, 12152 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Poste de la Police ADM Chiro II
National Road No 7, Sre Seam Village, Chiro II Commune, Tbong Khmum District, Tbong Khmum
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Bilateral Trade Department
Confederation de la Russie Blvd (110), Entrance next to Attwood Business Center, 12354 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Printing House of Ministry of Information
No. 62, Preah Monivong Blvd (93), 12201 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Printing Houses
Poste de la Police Sangkat Teuk Laak II
No. 31, St. 156, 12157 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Orphanage Center of Kampong Chhnang Province
Lor Teuk Trey Village, Sangkat Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Chhnang City, Kampong Chhnang
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Department of National Assembly Senate Relation & Inspection of Kandal
No. 359, National Road No 21, Takhmao City, Kandal
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Sala Sangkat Phsar Kandal I
No. 72, Ang Hassakan (St. 144), 12204 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
General Department of National Treasure
Mohaksat Treiyani Kossamak (St. 106), 19 Building, 12202 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Poste de la Police ADM Chbar Ampeou I
No. 229, St. 642, 12355 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Preah Sihanouk Chamber of Commerce
No. 197Eo, Sopheak Mongkul (St.), next to Canadia Bank, Mondul 2 Village, Sangkat 2, Preah Sihanouk
Bussiness & Trade
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Tourist Police Siem Reap
Mondul 3 Village, Sangkat Slor Kram, Siem Reap City, Siem Reap
Ministries & Governmental Entities
CCNU - Cambodian Council of National Unions
No. 25A, Confederation de la Russie Blvd (110), Building 10, 12102 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
National Bank of Cambodia
St. 10, Mondul 1 Village, Sangkat Svay Dangkum, Siem Reap City, Siem Reap
Siem Reap Branch
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Banks & Finance
Toul Kork Division of Land Management Urvanization Construction & Land Use
No. 138, Confederation de la Russie Blvd (110), 12156 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Sala Khan Russey Keo
National Road No 5, Sangkat Russey Keo, 12104 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Poste de la Police ADM Phsar Thmey I
No. 57, Preah Chey Chetha (St. 118), 12208 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Planning Department of Preah Sihanouk Province
19 Mithona (St.), Sihanoukville, Preah Sihanouk
Ministries & Governmental Entities
National Bank of Cambodia
Village 3, Sangkat Preah Ponlea, Serey Sophorn City, Banteay Meanchey
Banks & Finance
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Sala Sangkat 3
19 Mithona (St.), on the way to Independence beach, Preah Sihanouk
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Tax Office of Takeo
Village 1, Sangkat Rokar Knong, Daun Keo City, Takeo
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Tax Consultants
Tax Office of Kampong Speu
National Road No 4, Trapeang Leuk Village, Sangkat Rokar Thom, Chbar Morn City, Kampong Speu
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Tax Consultants
Tax Office of Khan Russey Keo
No. Lot. 102, National Road No 5, 12106 Phnom Penh
Tax Consultants
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Tax Office of Prey Veng
2 Village, Sangkat Kampong Leav, Prey Veng City, Prey Veng
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Tax Consultants
Tax Office of Kampong Thom
National Road No 6, Sangkat Domrey Cheon Kla, Stung Sen City, Kampong Thom
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Tax Consultants
State Secretariat of Civil Aviation
No. 62, Preah Norodom Blvd (41), Sangkat Chey Chumneah, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh
Aviation - Civil Authority
Ministries & Governmental Entities
National Assembly-Senate Relation & Inspection Phnom Penh Department
No. 239, Sok Hok (St. 107), 12258 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Raiway Department
No. 163, Confederation de la Russie Blvd (110), 12201 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Military Court
No. 15, St. 620, Damnak Village, 12101 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Cambodia Post
National Road No 33A, Kep Village, Sangkat Kep, Kep City, Kep
Postal Services
Courier Services
Freight Forwarding, Cargo, Transport
Shipping Line Services & Agencies
Phnom Penh Waste Management
No. 22, Poland Republic Blvd (163), 12253 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Maintenance - General, Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Cleaning, etc.
Phnom Penh Municipality Office of Cult & Religious Affair
No. 162, St. 2002, 12406 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Poste de la Police Sangkat Boeng Keng Kang I
No. 12, St. 322, 12302 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Pailin Provincial Government
National Road No 57, Pahy Khang Tbong Village, Sangkat Pailin, Pailin City, Pailin
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Poste de la Police ADM Toul Sangke
National Road No 5, Phsar Touch Village, 12105 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities
Poste de la Police ADM Teuk Thla
Hanoi (St. 1019), 12102 Phnom Penh
Ministries & Governmental Entities